Renée Carlino: Lucian Divine ~ARC Review - InBookEden

2017. január 6., péntek

Renée Carlino: Lucian Divine ~ARC Review

Lucian Divine
by Renée Carlino
Release date: 9, January 2017
From USA Today Bestselling Author, Renée Carlino, comes a totally unique love story that is sure to make you question what’s out there . . . or who.

“My guardian angel is a drunk.”

Evelyn Casey's life is at a standstill. She's in her mid-twenties, struggling with the dating scene in San Francisco. Nothing seems to be working out, and she’s starting to think that she’ll live out her days in her crummy apartment with her overbearing roommate, Brooklyn. It's absurd, but sometimes Evey longs for a guardian angel to show up and save the day.

And then he does. Seriously. His name is Lucian and he's a guardian angel, been on the job for two thousand years. His sudden presence in her life is both good—he's brilliant, witty, and warm—and bad—he's brilliant, witty, warm, and hot as ----. But as perfect as Lucian seems, he’s got problems of his own. He’s taken up drinking and he’s brazenly inserted himself into Evey’s life, going against the greatest cosmic law ever created.

For Evey, the rules are simple: You are not allowed to hook up with your guardian angel. But sometimes fulfilling your destiny requires a leap of faith, a confrontation with God.

Yes, God as in God.

"YOU KNOW WHEN you meet someone, and you feel like you’ve know them your whole life, even though you know you’ve never once laid eyes on each other?"

Első találkozás az írónővel és csodálatos "angyali" történetével. Igazi kihagyhatatlan élmény. Hogy miért? Mert Renée fantasztikusan ír, olvasás közben egyszer sem éreztem azt hogy egy kis szünetet kell tartanom. Be is ruháztam nálunk nemrégen megjelent könyvére, mely a goodreads-en 4 csillagos.
Luciannel egy angyallal és egy hétköznapi lánnyal Evey-vel ismerkedhetünk meg, aki egy számára furcsa helyzetbe csöppen. Az elejétől fogva érezhető közöttük a vonzalom, szerelmük igazán irigylésre méltó, ugyanakkor tiltott is.
Lucian tudja hogy vágya nem válhat valóra, ettől függetlenül megszegi szabályait és kapcsolatot alakít ki Eveyvel. Ámde tudják hogy számukra nem lesz boldog vég.
Evey önzetlen, szeretetteljes, jószívű, gondoskodó, talpraesett lány. Lucian meglepő módon egy alkoholista angyal, káros szenvedélyének oka pedig nem más mint szíve hölgye.
Párosítsuk ezt a két teremtést és nem is kérdés hogy egy igazán különleges élményben lesz részünk. SPOILER Bebizonyosodik hogy igenis léteznek csodák illetve egy előre kudarcra ítélt kapcsolat is végződhet happy end-el. SPOILER
My Review in English
First encounter with the writer and wonderful "angel" story. A real must-see experience. Why? For Renée is a fantastic writer, I not once felt while reading it a rest break. I also have transferred our recently published book of which the 4-star on Goodreads.
Lucian an angel and get to know Evey an ordinary girl , who has a strange position for a drop. The beginning felt affection between them, their love really enviable, but illegal. Lucian knows that he's dream not come true, nevertheless in breach of the rules and relationships with Evey. But they know that they will not have a happy ending.
Evey selfless, loving, kind-hearted, caring, resourceful girl. Lucian is an angel and surprisingly he is an alcoholic, addiction is due to nothing other than the lady of his heart.
Pair these two issues is creation, to be a really special experience. SPOILER It is proven that miracles do exist or failure of a relationship deemed forward may end in a happy ending. SPOILER
Best Quotes
"We were living and breathing just like Evey. I had a heart that beat. I could smell and taste and touch just like Evey."
"Don’t say my name. Don’t think about me. Don’t imagine how we can be together."
“I am so in love with you, Evey, but I can’t be with you. I’m not allowed. You’re in love with me because I am made to make you feel that way. I was never supposed to let you see me. Another angel told me that if I took your life, you would become like me and that we could be together.” 

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